Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Acting on instructions from the mother of the bride (our dear daughter-in-law, Kristi), Jeffery and his son Jacob and Grandpa Chapman set to work on the creation of a false ceiling in the Mill Hollow Ward meetinghouse cultural hall, where the wedding reception was to take place.
We rigged a line through the basketball hoops at both ends of the hall and then measured and cut these swaths of white plastic table covering material in long, 70 ft lengths, which we then hoisted and drapped across the hall, side to side, along with strings of mini-lights. It went so well, we were surprised and quite pleased with ourselves! Kristi gave it her approval and then followed up with her crew of women and girls, to give the hall all the many final touches that would create a winter scene in blue and white for the reception the following evening, Wednesday, Dec 29.

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