Here is another picture of the scene from our front porch on the morning after our first snowfall (Tues, Feb 3), here on Hopes Way in Bedford. By noon it was mostly melted away, but it sure was a beautiful sight when the morning sun first hit these snow covered trees that line our little road.
Linda has been quite sick all this past week. She has suffered from a persistant cough that cold medications and decongestants seem to have little beneficial effect. And her pain levels have been very high with her Fibromyalgia and an inflamed esophagus. Everything, all coming at once it seems. We have a call in to a respected doctor, Dr. Dane McBride, an allergist. He is also the member of the Mission Presidency and a former president of the Roanoke Virginia Stake. We are waiting to here back from him.
Linda was too ill to attend Zone Conference last Wednesday and remained too sick to attend our Sunday meetings at the Bedford Branch. I fulfilled my speaking assignment at the Branch Sacrament meeting on Sunday but it was not the same being there alone without my dear companion. The members of the Branch all inquired about her and wanted us to know she would be included in their prayers. They are a wonderful group of Saints.