Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, August 19, we attended funeral and burial services for Curtis Chapman, 51, held in Taylor, Arizona.
Curtis is the son of my cousin, Fullmer Chapman and his wife La Donna, residents of Taylor. Curtis was victim of cancer. He was much beloved by his family and friends. Three brothers and two sisters and his parents, children and extended family and friends participated in the services.

This is Tim Frost, a neighbor, across the road from Ann & Steve. He has horses and cattle, scattered about on a 100+ acre ranch. The children love to go over to "Tim's." He lets them help him feed the animals. He is a great neighbor and friend.
Here he is, giving Josh a ride on his quad. The road they are on is the private drive, leading back to the Frost home and other ranch buildings. This is the favorite area for our morning walks, Josh and me.