Monday, February 22, 2010

We couldn't help ourselves, but had to have a picture of these two young love birds, Ross and Brookelyn as they slept in each others arms while seated with us in the family room of our home in Bedford while we were all talking and laughing and making a general racket. It didn't seem to bother them in the least.

They had flown into Baltimore, MD and driven a rental car all the way down from Baltimore to be with us for this memorable weekend. When Ross wasn't catching up on sleep he was strumming a guitar and singing one pleasant song after another. He has a very fine singing voice. We all like him a lot and we are very happy for the both of them. They will be married in the Snowflake Arizona Temple next month. We can't be there because of our missionary assignment, so we are particularly pleased and complimented that they would come all this way to be with us.

Ross joined me and Elder's Cowley and Liddiard, and Danny Laprade, in singing "Love at Home" during the baptismal service.

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